Aarhus Central Station, Foyer
Banegårdspladsen 1
8000 Aarhus C

A Danish fairy tale turned into sound highlights current oppression of art

The installation is built around a mixed media approach including played-back music and physical computer-controlled percussion. The experience draws inspiration from the old Danish fairy tale “The Nightingale” written by H. C. Andersen. The notes in the melody are generated using a coding key that converts alphabetical letters into musical notes. The purpose is to integrate important Danish cultural heritage into a contemporary context, and draw attention to the negative consequences of wanting to contain or control art, since creativity occurs “in the wild”. As long as we see our people in power trying to curate the process of artistic creation to fit their own agenda, this punchline will remain relevant.

the artist

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Peter J. Østergaard works from a point of curiosity. His main goal is to deconstruct everyday experiences that are often overlooked, open them up for the audience and rearrange them in new ways that expose the world they are taken from in a new light. The compositions often seek to be accessible and gratify the audience, and for those with a healthy curiosity they can be a true delight.


Aarhus Central Station, Foyer
Banegårdspladsen 1, 8000 Aarhus C